
We had a Thank You Parade for Deacon Elmer on August 30, 2020.
Deacon Elmer was with us as our Parish Deacon with a focus on the Baptism Ministry from June 2012 until the end of August 2021.
We wish him the best as he begins his new assignment at St. John the Evangelist in Greece.

Deacon Jim Briars,
our Pastoral Associate

Sunday, May 28th, 11:30 a.m.– 1:30 p.m.

PLACE:  St. Pius Tenth School Gym

PICNIC LUNCH will be served.  No need to RSVP; just come by and join us in congratulating Jim, and his wife, Pat, on this wonderful accomplishment.  

Congratulations, Jim!

God’s Blessings to you!!

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Prayers for Daily Living


In Remembrance of 9/11You are our God of the universe and without You nothing happens to us or can be done by us of our own accord. We ask Your special presence and action in our hearts for those times when we just cannot understand why things happen. Help us to accept the good and the bad, to forgive and to move on with our lives, with more energy and enthusiasm for the challenges to build your Kingdom that daily life and our daily personal encounters provide for us. Our hope is in the Spirit of Your Son Jesus to accompany and guide us.Amen.

~ Father John P. Martin, M.M.