Congratulations on the birth of your child and your desire to give your child the very best by having him or her baptized into the Catholic faith! We look forward to preparing with you for this special community event – celebrating becoming a member of the Christ’s Body, the Church, sharing in the risen life of Christ.
Please complete the online form below as you normally would, and Deacon Jim or Deacon Johan will contact you at the phone number you give.
Pastoral meetings and the group classes are currently being done mostly in person.
If needed this can be done virtually, using on line meeting software; the Pastoral meeting could also be done by telephone.
We ask both parents to participate in:
A Baptismal Preparation Gathering for Parents (and Godparents if possible) to deepen your understanding of baptism, the Church, and God, and to meet other couples to get to know others in the community.
Topics include parenting, sponsors, being Catholic, our relationship with God, the history of baptism and Rite of Baptism options. *Reservations required – indicate your choice on your registration form.
Parents have the primary responsibility for raising their child as a Catholic. To help them carry out this responsibility, they pick one man or one woman OR one man and one woman to be Sponsors/Godparents.
The two-fold role of the Sponsor is to help the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it, and to represent the Catholic Church community into which s/he is to be baptized and grow.
The Catholic Church requires at least 1 Sponsor who is a practicing Roman Catholic, defined as someone who:
A non-Catholic person, of a different sex than the Catholic Sponsor/Godparent, can serve as a Christian witness to the baptism along with the Catholic Sponsor/Godparent.
For more information, please contact Deacon Jim or Deacon Johan at (585) 247-2566.