About Us

01Mission and vision



We the members of St. Pius Tenth Parish are united by baptism into the Catholic Church. We fulfill our lives through Christian service to our diverse community. We promote a welcoming environment and encourage others to join us. We witness our faith by:

  • Worshiping God through prayer, sacraments, and Eucharistic celebration.
  • Compassionately meeting the spiritual and emotional needs of others.
  • Promoting the dignity of all human life.
  • Assisting the material needs of the less fortunate.
  • Encouraging and utilizing the individual talents of all ages.
  • Deepening our relationship with God through life-long faith formation.
  • Fostering cooperative involvement with other Christian faith communities.

02Parish council

Because it is a community of the Christian faithful, it is essential that the parish structures serve the community in carrying out the mission of the Church: to proclaim the Gospel, to form community, to worship, and to serve those in need. The parish organizational structures must never be simply ends in themselves, but should always work to promote the mission of the parish, the diocesan Church and the universal Church.

At Saint Pius Tenth Church, we have a council lead by our chairperson, Michelle Penner. To contact the council, email cstpiusx@dor.org  or leave a message at the Parish Office at (585) 247-2566.

Our Parish Council members include:

Fr. Paul Bonacci,  Deacon James  Briars, Mike Boychuk, Michelle Penner,  Kyleigh Penner, Mary Kay Schwab, Mike Lucas, Pat Culhane, Susan Ormandy, Stephen Legere, Todd Esposito, Ellen Franco.

Parish Finance Council

The Council establishes the annual budget, studies, reviews and approves capital improvements, and establishes a system of internal financial controls and reporting of parish funds. It also oversees the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) as well as the receipt and use of financial resources for our church rebuilding effort.

For more information, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 247-2566.

03Charity projects - Social ministry

We fulfill our life’s obligation to Christian love through a variety of charitable projects and programs throughout the Diocese of Rochester, among them:

  • Weekly food collection for homeless shelters and community cupboards and other Social Ministry activities
  • World Need Fund – weekly monetary donations by parishioners to be used for local or worldwide needs.
  • Funeral and luncheon ministry
  • Ministers of Holy Communion and visitation services to the homebound and hospitalized in our community
  • Prayer shawl ministry
  • Stephen Ministry – trained parishioners walk with those experiencing distress or sadness
  • National March for Life in Washington, D.C. and prayer services at local women’s health clinics
  • Showers of Love (every May for moms and infants in crisis) and donations to The Margaret Home
  • Focus Pregnancy Center – outreach for moms in crisis
  • Red Cross Blood Drive
  • Saint’s Place donations
  • Christmas Food Baskets
  • Christmas Giving Tree – gifts to various organizations/agencies in our community
  • Clothing and winter coat drives hosted by our school and credit union
  • Participation/Donations to:
    • Catholic Charities Community Services
    • Migrant Worker community
    • St Joseph’s Neighborhood Center/ St Joseph’s House of Hospitality
    • Bethany House
    • local Hospice Homes
    • local Homeless Outreach programs

For more information on our Social Ministry Committee, please contact Chairperson Joan Nowak at (585) 889-2542.

If you are interested in joining us on our journey to God’s kingdom through social and community service, visit our Volunteer Page here.


St. Pius Tenth Parish has a rich and active list of annual events for members of our church and community, for starters:

  • Country Fair & Flea Market the first weekend of August – it’s one of the largest among Catholic churches in the dioceses!
  • Bunco — Food, fun and friendship are all a part of this night. Join us for this popular and fun dice game for adults of all ages. It’s very easy to learn how to play and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seats all night long!
  • St Joseph Table — This is an annual event at which we enjoy a wonderful feast of pre-Easter thanksgiving by sharing delicious foods and enjoying the warm spirit of parish family, friends, and community.

Be sure to visit our Upcoming Events tab to keep informed on all our programs and activities!

Everyday we reach to restore all things in Christ Jesus.