Parish Staff

Rev. Paul Bonacci St. Pius Tenth Church Parochial Administrator Email: Phone:  (585) 247-2566

Deacon Jim Briars Pastoral Associate Email:
(585) 247-2566, ext. 103
Contact me for Visitation to the Homebound and the Sick,
Ministers of Holy Communion training, Wedding preparation (Canonical requirements), and schedules for liturgical ministers for the weekend Masses. Contact me or Deacon Johan for Baptism Preparation.

Deacon Johan Engström Director of Faith Formation Email: Phone:  (585) 247-2566, ext. 113
Contact me for: Faith Formation for Families with Children, Tuesday Weekly Faith Formation Grades 1-7 and Sunday Monthly Faith Formation (all grades).
Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation, as well as Sacraments of  Initiation for Adults.
Young Adult Gatherings and Adult Faith Formation Opportunities.
Contact me or Deacon Jim for Baptism Preparation.

John Falk Maintenance Supervisor Phone:  (585) 247-2566, ext. 201

Contact me for facilities or maintenance issues in the Church, Parish Center, School and general campus.

Barb Legere Director of Youth Ministry Email: Phone:  (585) 247-2566, ext. 111 Contact me for Youth Ministry, Faith Formation for young people in grades 6 through 12, CYO Sports, Soccer and Boys & Girls Basketball, the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), Service Events for Youth, and planning committees for youth.

Marita Midwick Office Manager  Email: Phone:  (585) 247-2566, ext. 101 Contact me for Accounts Payable, Donations & e-Giving, and Cemetery.

Maria Cahill St. Pius Tenth School Principal Email:  School Email: School Phone:  (585) 247-5650 School website:

Contact me for information on Grades Pre-K 3 through 5th grade, if you’d like a tour of the school or questions about our Ambassador Program.

Mary Ferugia
Phone:  (585) 247-2566, ext. 106

Robert Schrader
Music Director
Phone:  (585) 247-2566

Contact me for information about Music Ministry including Cantors, Mass Choirs and Peace Choir (funerals).

Christopher Frontale Finance Director Email: Phone:  (585) 247-2566, ext. 117

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