Creating a Safe Environment

 Creating a Safe Environment

Diocese of Rochester Safe Environment Requirements

Do you need to complete your first-time or re-training of the Creating a Safe Environment Training and Authorizing a Criminal Background Check? We are happy to help you!

Creating a Safe Environment – CASE Training is renewed every 3 years.  If you are unsure of your renewal date you can email or the parish staff member in charge of your volunteer ministry. The forms are the same for 1snew volunteers and for those re-training.

Background Check Notification & Authorization for Volunteers – Please fill out both sides and return this with your other paperwork and a copy of your driver’s license or passport.

We thank you for your ministry and support of all efforts to keep our children, youth and vulnerable adults safe. We realize that it takes more of your time and we truly appreciate your willingness to assist us in this extremely important facet of our ministry at St Pius X Church.

Diocese of Rochester Volunteer Training Policy:


If  you are over 70 years of age and have taken the Online Training at least one time you are exempt from renewing the Online Training. However, you will be required to renew your Background Check and have an updated Volunteer Code of Conduct on file.  SPX Volunteer Code of Conduct for Adults


Here are the forms for you:

NEW 2022-23 SPX Adult Criminal Background Check

NEW DOR Online Adult Training 07-23  (code of conduct is now included in online training) If you encounter problems with the online training or if you do not have a computer we will be happy to assist you. Please call the office to set up an appointment.


If you have any questions please contact MaryAnn or Barb Legere – the Parish CaSE Coordinating Team at (585) 247-2566 or


Diocese of Rochester Safe Environment Page

Bishop Matano’s Letter to the Faithful
